Hi, my name is Mohannad Najjar.
Mohannad is an Arabic name that means "The Indian Sword". It spells like the most famous Arabic name "Mohammed" but with an N instead of M, and when it's in lower case, which is usually the case, the double `n` visually looks like an `m`, so I'm kinda used to people calling me "Mohammed" by mistake.
Najjar my family name, means "Carpenter", as it was the profession of my great-grandfather.
I’m a male software developer from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. I was born in November 1990 (in the midst of the gulf war 🔥, it was a stressful time for my family). In November 2017 I graduated from college with a bachelor’s degree in Information Technology and since then I started being a full-time software developer.
I’ve always loved writing online to the internet, which is why this website exists. It began with random posts in online forums when I was 16, back in 2006. In 2012, I decided to take it more seriously and created a Blogger blog. From there, I moved to WordPress, then experimented with Medium, and tried developer-friendly solutions like Hugo. Now, I’m using Astro.
Contact info detailed here: Contact page.
This website built on top of Sat Naing’s AstroPaper template. See Credits for more details.